University of Bucharest academics in 1916, who were Members of the Academy at the time or were granted this status later (correspondent/tenured/honourable/post-mortem), in alphabetic order and including their years of life
Angelescu, Constantin I. (1869-1948)
Arion, Constantin C. (1855-1923)
Athanasiu, Ioan (1868-1926)
Athanasiu, Sava (1861-1946)
Babeș Victor (1854-1926)
Bianu, Ioan (1856-1935)
Bogdan, Ioan (1864-1919)
Cantacuzino, Ioan (1863-1934)
Dănăilă, Negoiță (1878-1953)
Densusianu Ovid (1873-1938)
Dragomirescu, Mihail (1868-1942)
Gerota, Dimitrie (1867-1939)
Hurmuzescu, Dragomir (1865-1954)
Ionescu, Thoma (1860-1926)
Iorga, Nicolae (1871-1940)
Istrati, Constantin (1850-1918)
Lalescu, Traian (1882, 1929)
Longinescu, Gheorghe Gh. (1869-1939)
Longinescu, Ștefan Gh. (1865-1931)
Marinescu, Gheorghe (1864-1938)
Mehedinți, Simion (1868-1962)
Minovici, Ștefan (1867-1935)
Mironescu, George G. (1874-1949)
Missir, Petru Th. (1856-1929)
Mrazec, Ludovic (1867-1944)
Murnu, George (1868-1957)
Negulescu Paul (1906, 1874)
Negulescu, Paul (1874-1946)
Negulescu, Petre P. (1872-1951)
Onciul, Dimitrie (1856-1923)
Ortiz, Ramiro (1879-1947)
Paulescu, Nicolae (1869-1931)
Pârvan, Vasile (1882-1927)
Pompeiu, Dimitrie D. (1873-1954)
Rădulescu-Motru, Constantin (1868-1957)
Rădulescu-Pogoneanu, Ion A. (1870-1945)
Stoicescu, Constantin C. (1881-1944)
Ștefănescu, Sabba (1857-1933)
Tanoviceanu, Ioan (1858-1917)
Tașcă, Gheorghe (1875-1964)
Teodorescu, Anibal (1881-1971)
Teodorescu, Emanoil C. (1866-1949)
Titulescu, Nicolae (1882-1941)
Tzigara-Samurcaș, Alexandru (1872-1952)
Țițeica, Gheorghe (1873-1939)
Voinov, Dimitrie (1867-1951)
Sources: Dorina N. Rusu, Membrii Academiei Române 1866-1999. Dicționar, București, 1999; „Anuarul Universității din București, 1914-1915”, București, 1916; „Anuarul Universității din București 1915/16-1923/24”, București, 1924.
Other such lists can be viewed here:
University of Bucharest academics in 1916, in alphabetical order
University of Bucharest academics in 1916, by year of birth
University of Bucharest academics in 1916, by year of obtaining academic status
University of Bucharest academics in 1916, by age at the time of obtaining academic status
University of Bucharest academics in 1916, by their age in 1916