În afara documentarului „Piaţa Universităţii – România” (1991), în regia lui Stere Gulea, Vivi Drăgan Vasile și Sorin Ilieșiu, un alt documentar care prezintă și evenimentele Fenomenul Piața Universității și mineriadele este intitulat „30 de ani de democrație”, într-un cadru mai larg, al evoluțiilor politice și sociale românești, din ultimii 30 de ani. Documentarul a fost realizat de echipa Recorder și a fost publicat online în anul 2019, beneficiind de mai multe recenzii laudative. De aceea, ne-am gândit că este potrivit să-l semnalăm și noi aici.
„30 de ani de democrație” (2019)
În descrierea documentarului încărcat pe You Tube sunt scrise următoarele rânduri în limba engleză:
„At the end of the December 1989 Revolution, Ion Caramitru ended the TVR (Romanian Broadcasting Network) broadcast saying these words: „Let’s enjoy, happy days are coming!”. After 30 years, we wanted to make a film about how the days that followed were actually. About all the successes, disappointments and hopes that helped us to move forward. About the times when we were fearful and about when we were brave people. About how Romania has transformed in all these years. We read memoir books and articles from the press of the time, we spent tens of hours diging through video archives (from Romanian TV stations to international press agencies) and we tried to talk to all the politicians who ruled Romania during this period. It resulted a three-hour documentary, but we hope it will be seen by the Tik Tok generation, who are said to get bored after 15 seconds. We have persisted in believing that this is not the case and that we can understand the recent history of Romania in a story that goes beyond age, level of education and political beliefs. This film does not claim to present absolute truths. It is following the transformation of Romania as seen by two journalists who were born in the mid-1980s and opened their eyes to a free country.
Recorder is an online publication built by a team of journalists around these principles: honest journalism, done with passion and published into the public service”.